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發布時間:2022-12-14 17:22:46

Ⅰ 網上購物英文


Ⅱ 英語翻譯(關於網上購物)

Apart from its convenience for consumers,online shopping can also bring long-term profits to the procers.網路購物對消費者來說是便捷,也能帶給商家長期的利益。

Peple won't be forced at by those adavertisements coming in a continuous stream.What they can do is to pick out the relevant information such as the manufacturers ,the procts and so on according to their own likings and demands after which they compare and make the desions on buying something.人們不必面對廣告的轟炸,人們只需根據自己的喜歡或需要去選擇相應的信息,如廠家、產品等,然後如以比較,作出購買的決定。

But the paramount problem for online shopping lies in the credit.In addition,the E-shopping does not seem appealing enough.但是,網上消費頭等問題就是信譽,還有,網上購物缺乏足夠的吸引力。

I'm selling things on the net too,in fact,I have been frequently getting annoyed,and the most troublesome are those differencies between the material objects and their pictures.我也在網上賣東西,其實麻煩真的挺多的,最頭疼的就是實物與圖片差距。

I'm now considering that online shopping is bridging the gap
between every two of us by mutual trust.Owing to the trust,each side benifits from the other. 我認為,網上購物就是建立在人與人之間的信任之間,有了信任對任何一方都有利可求。

Ⅲ 英文翻譯,「通過網上購物」可以寫though e-shopping嗎

by shopping online
這里by是介詞,後面跟動名詞短語shopping online,整個構成一個介詞短語,在句子中可以充當方式狀語。

Ⅳ 網購英語怎麼說



online shopping


internet shopping


網購流程 Shopping Flow

關於網購 About online shopping


1. Male online shoppers outnumber women, accounting for 55 percent.

男性網購客戶數量超過女性顧客, 佔55%.

2. How to satisfy a net to buy customer people captious appetite?


3. The net buys CASIO wrist watch, give advices much please!

網購CASIO卡西歐手錶, 請多指教!

4. Samantha:'m getting a new green dress for St Patrick's Day online.

莎曼莎: 我正在網購一件新的綠色洋裝准備去參加聖派翠克節.

5. Not surprisingly, 30 to 39 - year - olds are the most active online shoppers.

不出意外, 30到39 歲 的網民仍然是最活躍的網購群體.

6. Net purchases compared to traditional retail consumption patterns more convenient.


7. China's net purchase no leverage in maintaining the interests of buyerssellers.


8. PAUL: I guess so, but I'm not sure doing it online is proctive.


9. Net purchases have become popular consumption.


10. The purchase, we are forward to.

對於網購, 我們是有期待的.

11. Which to purchase forms of e - commerce network of the most welcomed by students.

其中,以網購形式的 電子商務 最受學生們的歡迎.

12. And the situation that domestic network buys the market forms bright contrast however.


13. Be on this, superintendency cry is bought to also upsurge increasingly the net in folk.

基於此, 民間中對網購監管的呼聲也日益高漲.

14. If your net is bought, proce controversy, can complain to us, we can coordinate solution definitely.

如果你網購發生爭議, 可以向我們投訴, 我們會協調解決.

15. Low - cost, convenient, environmental protection, the majority of consumers favor is the main reason for net purchases.

低價 、 便捷 、 環保, 是多數消費者青睞網購的主要原因.



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