❶ 英语“修理费”怎么说
the cost of repairing
fee一般指学费 会费
fair 没有费用的意思
❷ 修理这台电脑我用了半小时 用英文怎么说 前面好像是It took me half an hour
It took me half an hour to repair this computer
❸ 修电脑要多少钱 维修电脑价格收费标准
维修电脑的 价格需要根据维修项目确定,比如安装系统到安装点去做,那就是50元,而街上流动维。人收费30元。如果换配件,比如显卡那就是需要显卡的价格加开机费。
❹ 他花了5000元买了一台电脑 用英语怎么说
I spend 5000 in buying a computer.
It cost me 5000 RMB to buy a computer.
spend on sth.
spend in doing.
❺ 电脑南桥坏了修理费多少
50左右 收80正常
这卖的就是技术 如果你自己会了 你会让他修吗?都是混饭吃嘛
❻ 英语翻译:如果电脑修理费和买一台新的一样,那么发我一台新的就可以了
If the repair charge is the same as buying a new computer, then just deliver me a new one please.
❼ 英语翻译 "你花了多少时间修这台电脑"
How long does it take you to recover the computer?
How long does it take you to fix the computer?
花时间,用it take的结构。
❽ 呢呢台电脑我拿出去修理 大概花费多少 应该怎么说
❾ 修理电脑用英语怎么翻译
repair the computer
或者mend the computer
❿ 英语“修理费”怎么说
repair cost
英 [riˈpɛə kɔst] 美 [rɪˈpɛr kɔst]
The blade tip crack of the high pressure turbine is repaired by using the laser welding, which can rece effectively the repair cost and increase the economic effectiveness of the engine repair.