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⑴ 有谁知道比较好的英语杂志的网站呢


专业二级要求:认知词汇达4000-5000个;阅读难度相当于Reader's Digest


专业六级要求:认知词汇达7000-9000个;读懂难度相当于The Times 或 The New York Times

The New York Times 《纽约时报》http://www.nytimes.com/

1851年创刊。属苏兹贝格(Sulzberger)家族所有。同《华盛顿邮报》和《洛杉矶时报》一起被列为美国最有影响的三家大报。它内容充实,资料齐全,拥有一批名记者,因而有“博大精深,当之无愧为美国第一大报”之说。在评选优秀报纸的民意测验中曾多次名列第一,也是获美国最高新闻奖——普利策奖(The Pulitzer Prizes)——得主最多的一家美国报纸,其订户遍及国内外。为了招徕更多的客户,该报于2001年发行电子版。

《纽约时报》一贯标榜客观和公正,其口号是,“刊登一切适合刊登的新闻”。他常用较大篇幅刊登政府重要文件和领导人讲话,但也不时发表一些批评政府政策的报道和评论以及披露一些内幕和机密。例如,它于1971年刊登了轰动政界的关于越南战争起因的“五角大楼文件”(The Pentagon Papers)。它虽有“执美国舆论之牛耳”之说,但由于与政府关系密切,不时透露官方消息,其所报道和评述的国际新闻基本上反映美国政府的外交政策及其动向。该报与东部权势集团有缘,刊登自由派人士写的文章较多,因而被称为“自由派重镇”。有的评论界人士认为,它在政治上应属“中间偏左”的报纸。


The Times 《泰晤士报》http://www.timesonline.co.uk/global/

创刊于1785年,为皮尔逊父子公司(CS. Pearson & Son, Ltd)公司所有。它是英国一家历史最悠久的报纸,也是一家在西方最有影响的大报。其读者有政界人士、高级知识分子和工商、金融界人士。它虽标榜“独立”,采取中间立场,其实政治观点相当保守,常支持保守党的政策和主张。英国有所谓“当权派读《泰晤士报》”一说。该报的“读者来信栏”(Letters to the Editor)办得特别出色,许多知名人士在这个非正式论坛发表种种“高见”,对舆论有很大的影响力,被认为代表当权派的观点。

《泰晤士报》在世界各地派有记者,以较大篇幅报道和评论国际、国内重大新闻。过去曾由于内容过分严肃,不符合一般读者的趣味,因而发行量下降,利润锐减。1978年底曾因劳资纠纷和经济问题停刊一年之久。1981年,英国九大报业集团之一的新闻国际公司(News International)老板、美籍澳大利亚媒体大王鲁伯特·默多克(Rupert Murdoch)从加拿大财阀肯尼思·汤姆森(Kenneth Thomson)手中买下该报。

该报有几种以周刊形式出版的副刊,其中《泰晤士报文学副刊》(Times Literary Supplement)被认为是英国最有影响的一家文学周刊,刊载的文章和书评具有权威性。

《泰晤士报》发行量平日近30万份,在英国质量类报纸中排名第五。星期日无报,由《星期日泰晤士报》(The Sunday Times)补缺。该报也非正式的称为“The London Times”和“The Thunderer”。

Newsweek 《新闻周刊》http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3032542/site/newsweek/



Reader’s Digest 《读者文摘》http://www.rd.com/


《读者文摘》原以摘取书刊的报道为主,现在文摘只占60%,其余为本刊或特邀记者所写的文章。其编辑方针是“每月从一流杂志选出文章加以精简,务使文意紧凑,以保持永久可读性”。每周内容广泛,从国内外政治、社会、科学到生活琐事,无所不包。体裁活泼,有小说、散文、日记、小品、游记等。另一特色是利用文末之处补白,插以警语、箴言、座右铭、笑话等。此外,为了帮助读者扩大词汇量,还辟有“Word Power”栏,为刊物所独有。

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⑷ 非常优秀的书评网站,阅读平台有哪几个


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寻书例子:Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince



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建议你买一本外研社出的 不花钱学英文~那本书提供了34个英语学习网站~我用着呢~真的还可以~就是要坚持学习~

⑼ 英文书评网址有哪些

http://www.nybooks.com/index 《= 这个是你要找的吗?

Book Summary and Review - Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist, first published in 1988, is a modern classic that has been translated into sixty languages, read in over 150 counties and sold more than 30 million copies. Its I readership includes American presidents, Nobel Prize winners and Hollywood stars. In one spare evening, this long list can include you––it’s just 167 pages long!

The Alchemist begins at sk. Santiago, a Shepard boy, is settling in for the night with his herd at an abandoned church with a half-destroyed roof and an enormous sycamore tree growing through it. That night, he has a dream about finding treasure near the Egyptian Pyramids.

His travels have brought him near a town where he hopes to reacquaint himself with a girl he met the previous year. He detours to Tarifa, a nearby village where he can shave, get a haircut, and meet with visit a gypsy who can interpret dreams. The gypsy and a mysterious old man claiming to be a king advise him to pursue the treasure.

To that end, Santiago sells his sheep and travels from Spain to Tangier. A thief steals his all of his money, forcing Santiago to take a job to survive. He finds works for a crystal merchant and after a year of success helping him expand his business, Santiago earns enough money to return home. On the way, he meets an Englishman on a quest to learn the secrets of alchemy and is inspired continue his search. Local wars strand Santiago and the Englishman in a desert oasis. However, thanks to this change in plans, he finds his true love, Fatima, and meets the Alchemist. Together with the Alchemist, Santiago continues his journey, facing life-threatening danger and more financial loss. He reaches the Pyramids of Egypt and ultimately finds his treasure––but not in Egypt. You’ll have the read the book (or email me) for the answer to this question.

Colorful and entertaining story as it is, The Alchemist’s plot is merely the waft through which Coelho weaves his simple but powerful allegory. Santiago’s story is more than a search for gold and physical treasure; it is one person’s journey in pursuit of his Personal Legend – the “path God choose for you here on Earth.” It’s a wake up call designed to inspire us to think about the path we’re on and question whether we are being true to our calling. Unfortunately, like Santiago, we face four major obstacles while pursuing our destinies and most of us forfeit the pursuit of our Personal Legend when faced with one of them.

We begin life as bold dreamers. Have you ever met a child who didn’t aspire to greatness – to be a doctor, astronaut or the President of the United States? However, life conspires to kill our self confidence and our creativity. From an early age , we’re told that what we want to do is impossible. The dreams get buried deeper as we’re told we’re not smart enough, there isn’t enough money or our efforts are not worth the risk.

Love is the second obstacle. If our courage has been ample and our dreams prevail, love can still stop us in our tracks. We fear abandoning or hurting our loved ones in the process of investing in our dreams. How many people do you know suffering unhappily in the workplace because they’re afraid of the financial consequences of a career change and how it will affect their families? Ironically, we fail to recognize that people worth our love, the ones that love us back unconditionally, are the first to encourage us and volunteer to participate in the journey and share the risks.

The third obstacle is fear of failure and defeat. One thing is certain: while pursuing your goals you will encounter setbacks and suffering. Battles are lost in the process of winning wars. However, when pursuing our Personal Legend, The Alchemist reminds us, the Universe is conspiring in our favor. Everything, including moments we’re down and out, are there to teach us what we need to achieve our ultimate goal. For example, funding real estate development or a new business puts us at risk and forces financial trade offs. However, this discomfort is an important part of what you reap from your investment and better prepares you for the next deal.

The forth obstacle is fear of realizing our dreams. Many people look around and see those who have failed and feel guilty at the prospect of achieving their own goals. This can lead to last minute mistakes that deprive them of their goals when they are on the threshold of achieving them.

Though I enjoyed and identified with Santiago’s journey, my one disappointment in The Alchemist’s narrative is its continued emphasis on material success and “physical treasure.” While I do not underestimate the importance to be able to support yourself and provide for your family, many modern dreams seem to die as people pursue short term financial gains. I know a number of people in jobs that are very high paying, but unfulfilling. Their salaries have qualified them for huge mortgages. They belong to fancy country clubs. Their kids have gotten used to private school, and being driven there in Mom’s Lexus SUV. Many chose their careers because they were high paying, and were exactly what they wanted to be 15 years ago. As they say, be careful what you wish for – it might actually come true. Now, many are miserable, in financial shackles and unable to take risks to change careers or start a business.

While Santiago fell in love, saw the Great Pyramids––and earned physical treasures along the way––material success wasn’t the end in itself. I would have been more satisfied with the story if his “treasure” were a life of love, adventure and ample prosperity––a life lived well rather than a life lived lavishly.

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